View from a Car Window - Summer 1985
Acrylic on canvas
40” x 40”

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.." Pablo Picasso
Inspired by Playschool (BBC TV 1964 - 1988) which is kind of ironic seeing as I grew up without a TV!
Acrylic on canvas
24'' x 24''
Crumpled Moments 2018
Acrylic on canvas
20" x 20"
Price on Request
Crumpled Moments 2018
Acrylic on board
10" x 10"
Not for sale

A Moment In Time on a Postcard: Dominos on a Summers Day
Acrylic on Canvas
10" x 10"

Acrylic on Board
10" x 8"

Acrylic on Board
10" x 8"

Somerset - July 2017
Acrylic on Board
12 x 12

Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 26
Price on Request
Pub Garden - Bradford 2015
Part of the 'Overheard Series'
Acrylic on Canvas

Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 20"
Price on Request

Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"

Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 36

Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Not for Sale

The Catcalling Series:
Catcalling: San Francisco
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
10" x 10"

Acrylic & Spray Paint on Canvas.
24" x 24"

When your time runs out..
What will you have done?
What will you leave behind?
Will you feel proud of yourself and all you have strived to do?
If not..
What was the point?
Acrylic on Canvas
40" x 30"
Price on Request

Acrylic on Canvas
14" x 24"

Homage to Roy Lichtenstein
Pen, Pencil & Acrylic on Board
14" x 10"
Created for the
Vout-O-Reenee's 2015 Summer exhibition of Drawing, Collage & Print

Alice Munro - The Vandal
Pen, Pencil & Acrylic on Board
10" x 10"
Created for the
Vout-O-Reenee's 2015 Summer exhibition of Drawing, Collage & Print

R.I.P Aaron Swartz 8 Nov 1986 - 11 Jan 2013
A free and open internet
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 20"
Price on Request

View From A Car Window
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 24"

He was free, free in every way, free to behave like a fool or a machine, free to accept, free to refuse, free to equivocate; to marry, to give up the game, to drag this death weight about with him for years to come. He could do what he liked, no one had the right to advise him, there would be for him no Good or Evil unless he thought them into being.
Acrylic and Enamel on Canvas
24" x 24"

Acrylic on Canvas
14" x 20"

Acrylic on canvas
16" x 16"
Price on Request

Acrylic on canvas
20" x 24"

The restriction of knowledge to an elite group destroys the spirit of the society and leads to its intellectual impoverishment - Albert Einstein
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 20"

Willow Foundation - Stars on Canvas auction prize - 2014
Acrylic on Canvas
8" x 8"
SOLD for charity

Who countest the steps of the Sun: Seeking after that sweet golden clime Where the travellers journey is done. Where the Youth pined away with desire, And the pale Virgin shrouded in snow: Arise from their graves and aspire, Where my Sun-flower wishes to go.
Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
20" x 20"

The best moments in reading are when you come across something, a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things, which you had thought special and particular to you, and now, here it is set down by someone else. A person you have never met, someone even who is long dead and it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours.. Alan Bennett
Reading Matters Charity Gala Auction
Acrylic on Canvas
16" x 16"

Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Price on Request

Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
34" x 24"
Price on Request

Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
30" x 30"

Books are companions, teachers, magicians, bankers of the treasures of the mind. Books are humanity in print.. Quote by Barbara Tuchman.
Created for the Reading Matters Charity Gala Auction March 2013
Acrylic on Canvas
30" x 30"

Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 20"
Price on Request

Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Price on Request

Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Price on Request

... but the possibilities are endless.. what are you waiting for?
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
40" x 40"
Price on Request

Enamel & Acrylic
24" x 24"

Do I want you because you're wonderful, or are you wonderful because I want you? Are you the sweet invention of a lovers dream, or are you really as wonderful as you seem? Rodgers & Hammerstein
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
30" x 30"
Price on Request

Lobster Quadrille From Alice In Wonderland : Will you come and join the dance? Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance? Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 20"

Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
16" x 16"

Quote by Confucius
Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"

Quote By Charlie Brown
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
40" x 40"
Not for sale

Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Price on Request

Quote by Napolean Hill
Spray Paint, Acrylic & Enamelon Canvas
40" x 40"

Henri Matisse. Inspired by Dublin – October 2009
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 30"
Price on Request

Acrylic, Spray Paint & Enamel on Canvas
30" x 40"

Spray Paint, Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
20" x 20"

September 2011
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 16"

'Stay open to each other, Don't forget to feed the flame, Ignite each other... Remember the simple things And.. remember to just stop and be..
Acrylic & Spray paint on Canvas
30" x 30"

Quote by E. E. Cummings - U.S. Poet
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
30" x 20"

'On the Main Line and the Goods Siding, The grass grows high at Dog Dyke, Tumby Woodside And Trouble House Halt'
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
30" x 20"
Price on Request

(Quote By Oscar Wilde)
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
50" x 30"
Not for sale

Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
8" x 12"

Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
14" x 12"

Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
8" X 12"

Inspired By Norfolk – August 2009
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 30"

'I've really got to use my imagination / To think of good reasons / To keep on keepin' on' - Glady's Knight & The Pips
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Not for sale

Spray paint, Acrylic & Enamel on Paper
40" x 50"

Quote by Vincent Van Gogh
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
40" x 30"
Price on Request

Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
30" x 20"
Price on Request

Acrylic, Spray paint & Enamel on Canvas
20" x 20"

Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
50" x 30"

Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 20"
not for sale

Acrylic, Spray paint & Enamel on Canvas
10" x 14"

Inspired by Dublin – October 2009 (Quote By Oscar Wilde)
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 30"

Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
50" x 30"

Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
40" x 30"

Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
50" x 30"

View from a Car Window - Summer 1985
Acrylic on canvas
40” x 40”
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.." Pablo Picasso
Inspired by Playschool (BBC TV 1964 - 1988) which is kind of ironic seeing as I grew up without a TV!
Acrylic on canvas
24'' x 24''
Crumpled Moments 2018
Acrylic on canvas
20" x 20"
Price on Request
Crumpled Moments 2018
Acrylic on board
10" x 10"
Not for sale
A Moment In Time on a Postcard: Dominos on a Summers Day
Acrylic on Canvas
10" x 10"
Acrylic on Board
10" x 8"
Acrylic on Board
10" x 8"
Somerset - July 2017
Acrylic on Board
12 x 12
Acrylic on Canvas
20 x 26
Price on Request
Pub Garden - Bradford 2015
Part of the 'Overheard Series'
Acrylic on Canvas
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 20"
Price on Request
Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Acrylic on Canvas
24 x 36
Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Not for Sale
The Catcalling Series:
Catcalling: San Francisco
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
10" x 10"
Acrylic & Spray Paint on Canvas.
24" x 24"
When your time runs out..
What will you have done?
What will you leave behind?
Will you feel proud of yourself and all you have strived to do?
If not..
What was the point?
Acrylic on Canvas
40" x 30"
Price on Request
Acrylic on Canvas
14" x 24"
Homage to Roy Lichtenstein
Pen, Pencil & Acrylic on Board
14" x 10"
Created for the
Vout-O-Reenee's 2015 Summer exhibition of Drawing, Collage & Print
Alice Munro - The Vandal
Pen, Pencil & Acrylic on Board
10" x 10"
Created for the
Vout-O-Reenee's 2015 Summer exhibition of Drawing, Collage & Print
R.I.P Aaron Swartz 8 Nov 1986 - 11 Jan 2013
A free and open internet
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 20"
Price on Request
View From A Car Window
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 24"
He was free, free in every way, free to behave like a fool or a machine, free to accept, free to refuse, free to equivocate; to marry, to give up the game, to drag this death weight about with him for years to come. He could do what he liked, no one had the right to advise him, there would be for him no Good or Evil unless he thought them into being.
Acrylic and Enamel on Canvas
24" x 24"
Acrylic on Canvas
14" x 20"
Acrylic on canvas
16" x 16"
Price on Request
Acrylic on canvas
20" x 24"
The restriction of knowledge to an elite group destroys the spirit of the society and leads to its intellectual impoverishment - Albert Einstein
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 20"
Willow Foundation - Stars on Canvas auction prize - 2014
Acrylic on Canvas
8" x 8"
SOLD for charity
Who countest the steps of the Sun: Seeking after that sweet golden clime Where the travellers journey is done. Where the Youth pined away with desire, And the pale Virgin shrouded in snow: Arise from their graves and aspire, Where my Sun-flower wishes to go.
Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
20" x 20"
The best moments in reading are when you come across something, a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things, which you had thought special and particular to you, and now, here it is set down by someone else. A person you have never met, someone even who is long dead and it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours.. Alan Bennett
Reading Matters Charity Gala Auction
Acrylic on Canvas
16" x 16"
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Price on Request
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
34" x 24"
Price on Request
Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
30" x 30"
Books are companions, teachers, magicians, bankers of the treasures of the mind. Books are humanity in print.. Quote by Barbara Tuchman.
Created for the Reading Matters Charity Gala Auction March 2013
Acrylic on Canvas
30" x 30"
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 20"
Price on Request
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Price on Request
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Price on Request
... but the possibilities are endless.. what are you waiting for?
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
40" x 40"
Price on Request
Enamel & Acrylic
24" x 24"
Do I want you because you're wonderful, or are you wonderful because I want you? Are you the sweet invention of a lovers dream, or are you really as wonderful as you seem? Rodgers & Hammerstein
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
30" x 30"
Price on Request
Lobster Quadrille From Alice In Wonderland : Will you come and join the dance? Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance? Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance?
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 20"
Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
16" x 16"
Quote by Confucius
Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Quote By Charlie Brown
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
40" x 40"
Not for sale
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Price on Request
Quote by Napolean Hill
Spray Paint, Acrylic & Enamelon Canvas
40" x 40"
Henri Matisse. Inspired by Dublin – October 2009
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 30"
Price on Request
Acrylic, Spray Paint & Enamel on Canvas
30" x 40"
Spray Paint, Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
20" x 20"
September 2011
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 16"
'Stay open to each other, Don't forget to feed the flame, Ignite each other... Remember the simple things And.. remember to just stop and be..
Acrylic & Spray paint on Canvas
30" x 30"
Quote by E. E. Cummings - U.S. Poet
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
30" x 20"
'On the Main Line and the Goods Siding, The grass grows high at Dog Dyke, Tumby Woodside And Trouble House Halt'
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
30" x 20"
Price on Request
(Quote By Oscar Wilde)
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
50" x 30"
Not for sale
Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
8" x 12"
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
14" x 12"
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
8" X 12"
Inspired By Norfolk – August 2009
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 30"
'I've really got to use my imagination / To think of good reasons / To keep on keepin' on' - Glady's Knight & The Pips
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
24" x 24"
Not for sale
Spray paint, Acrylic & Enamel on Paper
40" x 50"
Quote by Vincent Van Gogh
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
40" x 30"
Price on Request
Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
30" x 20"
Price on Request
Acrylic, Spray paint & Enamel on Canvas
20" x 20"
Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
50" x 30"
Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 20"
not for sale
Acrylic, Spray paint & Enamel on Canvas
10" x 14"
Inspired by Dublin – October 2009 (Quote By Oscar Wilde)
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
20" x 30"
Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
50" x 30"
Acrylic & Enamel on Canvas
40" x 30"
Spray Paint, Enamel & Acrylic on Canvas
50" x 30"